Editorial Message

Growth rates are the best indicator of how TM, Transformers TA and TF have jointly allowed for a unique synergy of innovation and market communication

byMladen Banovic, Editor-in-Chief

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Image source: TM

Dear readers,


While writing this message nearing the end of 2020, I think back of the previous years in Transformers Magazine, when we frequently wrote of the market dynamics, upcoming changes, their impacts and risks for which we all needed to prepare ourselves, as well as of the best ways to get prepared for those changes and risks. First and foremost, we emphasized the importance of innovation and market communication.

Even so, only a year ago, it was very hard to imagine all the changes that have happened in the meantime. Those changes, to which we and our associates have often pointed out, could have easily caught us off-balance. Luckily, we started developing our innovation, by which I primarily mean Transformers Academy as well as other solutions, early enough to be prepared at the crucial moment not only to face our own challenges but also to respond to the challenges that our associates and customers have faced. The thing we always like to point out is that a great majority of these solutions has come to life with the support of our associates and key customers and much of the credit for everything we do goes to them.

If I had to sum up our most important results, I would first have to mention the launching and positioning of Transformers Academy as an outstanding e-learning and digital cooperation platform within our niche. In only a couple of months it hosted around 30 top quality sessions and we have recorded more than 7,300 registrations. A number of new high-quality programmes and some completely new opportunities are already being prepared.

We have had equally valuable achievements with our magazine, having published around 80 articles of exceptional quality, as well as an abundance of other material. The number of followers on our social networks has increased by about 25 %, the number of website visitors by approximately 30 %, average visit duration has increased by over 30 %, the number of newsletter subscribers by about 50 %, the number of page sessions by around 90 %, etc.


These growth rates are the best indicator of how Transformers Magazine, Transformers Academy and Transformers Forum have jointly allowed for a unique synergy of innovation and market communication


These growth rates were difficult to imagine a year ago and they have been the best indicator of how Transformers Magazine, Transformers Academy and Transformers Forum have jointly allowed for a unique synergy of innovation and market communication applicable to basically all company profiles on our market. These growth rates also play a significant role in reference to the materials that we publish, for they guarantee excellent visibility and a global reach. More importantly, the high ranking of our platforms has contributed to the high ranking of the material we publish, because they reflect the integrity and work ethics of all our associates, for which I am especially grateful, and I am very proud of them.

Finally, I wish to invite everyone who wants to be a part of this inclusive, ever-growing story to contact us. Here, you will have many opportunities for learning and development through subscription to the magazine and educational programmes of the academy, as well as for presentation of your solutions through articles in the magazine and academy e-lessons, but also an opportunity for innovation that we are always willing to support, so feel free to send your suggestions and ideas.

May you find this issue a useful and pleasurable read. I wish you all good health, happiness, and prosperity in 2021.


Dr. Mladen Banovic, Editor-in-Chief

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