Editorial message

Drawing your attention to the highly topical research on technology and market trends that is currently conducted by Transformers Magazine.

Editorial message - vol. 8 issue 3
Image source: TM

Dear readers,

The recent surge in global commodity prices is probably the most discussed business topic at the moment. In several instances, raw material prices have doubled over the past year. Clearly, this has created great challenges for the sustainable manufacturing business and caused some transformer manufacturers to publicly announce price increases. Transformers Magazine has previously published educational materials on supply chain management and I would like to take this opportunity to jog your memory about the articles written by Ufuk Kivrak – ‘Creating value through supplier relations management and strategic partnerships’, published in volume 7 (2020), issue 4, and ‘Supply chain management’, published in the Special Edition on Substations in 2019, in which you can find very useful recommendations on how to reduce the risks of rising raw material prices.

In this regard, I would like to draw your attention to the highly topical research on technology and market trends that is currently conducted by Transformers Magazine. Additional information about the research is available on our website, so please feel free to contact us in case you have any questions about it.

This issue’s featured topic is solid insulation. In connection therewith, and on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Krempel Group, we bring you an interview with their VP, Thomas Gilke. Within the same topic, we also bring you an interesting story about 3D moulded insulation parts for high temperature transformers, and an original scientific article on the optical method of measuring the degree of polymerisation of paper.

In our second interview, Peter Schikarski, CEO of Haefely, discusses the transition of the transformer industry in the past 30 years and the trends that can be expected, while in the third interview, Peter Grolmus, CTO at Ekofluid, talks about the innovations in oil processing.

Four columns by our prominent experts cover the topics of dissolved gas analysis (by Marius Grisaru), standards (by P. Ramachandran), short-circuit impedance (by Vitaly Gurin), and bibliography in the field of transformers (co-authored by Vitaly Gurin and P. Ramachandran).

Technical articles cover a wide range of topics, such as cost-benefit of digital distribution transformers written by Bhaba Das, digital transformation by Girish Jois, turns ratio test by Edis Osmanbašić, optical sensor for DP by Tobias Muenster et al., and retrofitting of 420 kV bushing by K.K. Murty.

Advertorials in this issue deliver lots of educational content, as we have covered the topics of remote and offshore transformer services, automatic voltage regulators and PD monitoring.

I believe that the wide and diverse array of topics, not only in this issue, but also in all our previous editions, will pique your interest and satisfy your business requirements and needs. I wish you a pleasant reading!

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