Interview with Bruno Melles, Managing Director, Business Unit Transformers, Hitachi ABB Power Grids

Hitachi ABB Power Grids will continue to be committed to deploying pioneering transformer technology for the progress of society.

byTransformers Magazine

Bruno Melles, Hitachi ABB Power Grids
Bruno Melles, Hitachi ABB Power Grids

Hitachi ABB Power Grids will continue to be committed to deploying pioneering transformer technology for the progress of society and to solving the myriad of challenges that come with it

1.  Please tell us about your vision for the Hitachi ABB Power Grids Transformer business going forward.

Some things do not change and our vision for the transformer business stems from the enduring values of the century-old businesses of Hitachi and ABB.

We have been and will continue to be committed to deploying pioneering transformer technology for the progress of society and to solving the myriad challenges that come with it. Our innovative and diverse teams provide the impetus, creating economic, social and environmental value based on responsible business operations.

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We are committed to playing our part in providing reliable electricity access to all people of the world. There are still almost 1 billion people that do not have this basic facility. It is incumbent on us to contribute to removing this deficit, while keeping the lights on for the other 6.5 billion people.

Our objective is to make this happen with the lowest environmental impact. We have developed specialised transformers for integrating renewable energy from bulk, far-flung sources such as UHVDC and AC transformers, and transformers for decentralised solar and wind farms.

By far, the maximum disruption in transformer technology will come from digitalisation, which will greatly improve the performance and asset management of transformers via embedded intelligence

2. You mentioned pioneering transformer technology, can you elaborate on the latest technology from your business?

Addressing the needs of our customers is a top priority in our technology development, and for this we often partner with them to co-create technology.

For example, our TXpandTM technology has been developed with the major utility, Hydro Quebec, in Canada.

The technology aims to enhance safety of people and the environment by enabling power transformer tanks to expand in the remote possibility of severe transformer faults that could lead to a transformer rupture.

Aditionally, our WindSTAR transformers developed with the main wind turbine manufacturers, like MHI Vestas, are designed to fit inside the turbine nacelle or tower. Lightweight and compact, this energy-efficient and environmentally friendly solution comes with biodegradable and safe ester insulation fluid.

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