Necessary investments and maintenance of transformers become more predictable

With the TESSA® Asset-Management SUITE, MR offers a modular customer-centred solution for the asset-performance-management

byThorsten Krüger

Necessary investments and maintenance of transformers become more predictable

The challenges for our electricity grids are continuously growing. Rising capacity and fluctuating transformer loads, due to the feed-in of renewable energies and the generator mix, make network operation increasingly complex. This complexity and the growing number of ageing transformers, as well as the increasingly demanding technical requirements for monitoring and control of the systems, are presenting new challenges to the operator. Forward-looking management is essential, to operate existing systems efficiently, to plan measures systematically and to avoid critical faults in power transformers.

Having intelligent data about the condition of their assets is crucial for the operator to keep costs in check and to allow reliable planning of replacement investments and service measures. But data alone is not useful if it cannot be translated into standardised, reliable and detailed reports to gain recommendations. It is difficult to obtain a consistent picture of the operating equipment as asset managers are responsible for a large number of electrical equipment and data is collected in different software solutions. The manual analysis of the data is very time-consuming, error-prone and therefore no reliable basis for reports on which far-reaching decisions regarding the equipment can be made. This results in costs due to wrong decisions and makes it difficult to anticipate the use, replacement and new acquisition of equipment. For all stakeholders in the energy industry, standardised and reliable reports based on intelligent data are essential to operate economically and secure the energy supply.

With the TESSA® Asset-Management SUITE, MR offers a modular customer-centred solution for the asset-performance-management

As the world market leader for on-load tap-changers and its extensive experience in developing hardware and software for equipment in and around the transformer, the Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen (MR) decided to do the next step and form a dedicated business unit to deliver customer-centred software solutions early in 2010. Therefore, MR established the business unit Digital Ventures to advance the digitalisation of equipment with innovative products and services. Digital Ventures is working intensively to develop solutions to make transformers ever more intelligent to enable a meaningful assessment of the condition of operating equipment. With standardised software, a central database and integrated evaluation procedures, MR provides solutions that make it possible to obtain automatically reliable reports on the equipment condition. These reports are created via interpretations and allow to derive recommendation for economically foresighted planning of investments and maintenance measures and contribute significantly to ensuring of a failure-free power supply.

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