Sharing our expertise with remote services to achieve sustainable performance

The risk of sudden transformer failure entails not only huge replacement costs and downtime but is also hazardous to the environment and human life.

byBurak Yildiz, Stephen Pearce

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Globally, the average transformer age is now approaching 40, triggering an increased and often unpredictable risk of failure toward the end of its life. The risk of sudden transformer failure entails not only huge replacement costs and downtime but is also hazardous to the environment and human life. The opportunity to gain years of additional productivity and enhance the sustainability of such assets simply must be seized by employing cost-effective and efficient maintenance and servicing strategies for all transformers and particularly the older ones in the fleet.


Take care of your transformer, from A-Z

According to CIGRE failure rate studies,the probability of failure depends on age, type/intensity of usage, and external factors such as environmental conditions and how a transformer is maintained.

In general, transformers having reached mid-life start becoming more vulnerable to failure due to operational and aging factors. By leveraging deep OEM expertise from Hitachi ABB Power Grids, the right level of service for all transformer service needs can be identified.

To avoid these failures, Hitachi ABB Power Grids offers a broad range of services bundled under a transformer service portfolio. These services provide the most comprehensive coverage and care for transformers and are grouped into five core service segments:

  • TXpert Services including expert advice
  • and support
  • Site services
  • Parts
  • Repairs, and
  • Replacements

These core service segments are offered to you individually or integrated into various short-term “TXLife Service Packages” and long-term “Transformer Care” service agreements. The TXLife Service Packages are standard offerings combining various services that can be purchased as and when required, while Transformer Care service agreements emphasize the long-term care perspective for transformers.

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