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    Transformers Magazine Special Edition – Dry-type Transformers

    BY MLADEN Banovic, PhD, Editor-in-Chief

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    Editorial Message

    Dear reader,

    The expansion of renewable power generation capacity will drive the growth prospects for the global dry-type transformers in the forthcoming years. Some of the major contributing factors for the increasing adoption of renewable sources of energy like wind and solar energy are stringent carbon emission goals and the need to reduce the dependency on depleting fossil resources.

    Discussions on transformer digitalization often focus on advantages delivered while a system is up and running. But digitalization and artificial intelligence can be applied long before equipment becomes operational: in specification, design, manufacture and configuration.

    Transformer digitalization combined with artificial intelligence supports the creation of simulation models and the identification of trends. The results of simulation are no longer stranded in closed environments but can easily be shared for other uses throughout the device’s lifecycle.

    I trust this special edition will provide fresh insights into the rapidly evolving world of dry-type transformers.

    Enjoy your reading,

    Yash Thaker

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