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    Transformers Magazine Special Edition – ML & AI

    BY MLADEN Banovic, PhD, Editor-in-Chief

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    Editorial Message

    Dear readers,

    The goal of this special edition was to shed light on the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence in the transformer industry, contributing to a better understanding of the requirements and available solutions. Expectations from these technologies are high in terms of what they can provide in various fields: monitoring, diagnostics, control, maintenance, perhaps even design, etc. A particular advantage of AI and ML technologies is the ability to predict future conditions, which opens up space for completely new paradigms, especially in maintenance.

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    Interview with Jong Geon Lee

    Dr. Jong Geon Lee is a senior researcher in the Transmission and Substation lab of the KEPCO Research Institute.

    AI – someone needs to know what’s going on!

    The point of the questions is to make us think about statistics and correlations and consider the cause and effect and whether the relationship is meaningful.

    Revolutionizing power utility with AI

    The use of renewable energy to replace fossil fuels is gaining traction as economies across the globe continue to set their carbon neutrality targets.

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