Standards relevant to transformers – part XI

The eleventh part of the column includes a list of international standards covering the installation, operation and maintenance of power transformers.

byP. Ramachandran, A. S. Jhala

Installation, operation and maintenance

The eleventh part of the column includes a list of international standards and CIGRE technical brochures covering the installation, operation and maintenance of power transformers, essential for ensuring their proper operation.

After successful testing at the factory, the power transformer is transported to the site as an over-dimensioned, heavy-weight consignment. The installation process at the plinth is a skilled job to be done very carefully, usually under the supervision of the manufacturer. To remove the moisture absorbed during the installation stage, controlled processing is carried out after the installation work. The transformer is energized after carrying out pre-commissioning tests. National standards and CIGRE technical brochures are available for covering the above stages of transport, installation, and commissioning of transformers. Similar standards cover transformers’ operation, maintenance, monitoring, and asset management.

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