Column: Standards relevant to transformers – Part III

The third part of the Standardisation article covers CIGRÉ, an organisation that publishes technical brochures or reports written by experts.

byP. Ramachandran

Standards relevant to transformers – Part III

CIGRÉ – the council on large electric systems

CIGRÉ, the International Council on Large Electric Systems (before the year 2000 the name was the International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems) was founded in 1921. It is an international nonprofit association for promoting collaboration with experts from all around the world by sharing knowledge and joining forces to improve electric power systems of today and tomorrow.

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CIGRÉ counts more than 3,500 experts from all around the world working together to optimise the existing equipment and power systems, including transformers

CIGRÉ counts more than 3,500 experts from all around the world, working actively together in structured work programs overseen by the Technical Committee. Their main objectives are to design and deploy the power system for the future, optimise the existing equipment and power systems, respect the environment, and facilitate access to information.

The CIGRÉ Technical Committee (TC) is organised into 16 Study Committees (SC), which in turn consist of several Working Groups (WG), Joint Working Groups (JWG), and Advisory Groups (AG). Most of the technical work is performed in the WGs, which are set up for a limited amount of time and must produce specific deliverables.

Experts appointed in WGs can be either full members (attending the meetings) or corresponding members. The WGs (or the AGs) report through their convener on the progress of the work at the SC annual meeting.

CIGRÉ publishes technical brochures or reports written by experts organised in Work Groups; those materials are valuable engineering guidelines used in practice

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