The future of transformer manufacturing

The US market is going through an unprecedented moment of energy transition given to a combination of various factors.

In this interview, Marc Schillebeeckx (VP Transformers USA at WEG Transformers USA LLC), Phillip James (General Manager at WEG Transformers USA LLC) and Marc Stefan Debus (Sales Manager and Key Account for Automatic Core Stacking Technology at Heinrich Georg GmbH) are discussing the trends in the transformer market in the US, as well as today’s challenges in the transformer manufacturing sector and how they work together to meet these challenges.

The interview is moderated by Ales Bertuzzi.

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The US market is going through an unprecedented moment of energy transition given to a combination of various factors. First, an old existing transmission and distribution network, built over 50 years ago when the electrification process began, now needs replacement due to the understandable aging of the infrastructure. Then the inputs of renewable energy and smart grid technologies, not least of importance for future years, the energy transition connected with all transportation, involving electric vehicles and public transport. Besides all of this, with an interesting policy for the US to return to more independence of the supply chain, including transformers, considered of strategic importance for the reliability of the electrical grid.

All the above considered and underlying the interest of the US market in service, innovation, and automation due to difficulties in finding and retaining skilled and experienced labour force in repetitive work makes North America one of the very important markets in these coming years.

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