The Megger IDAX 322: Achieving DFR success for all applications

Megger is proud to present the latest Dielectric Frequency Response (DFR) test instrument in the IDAX family: IDAX 322.

byBy Olle Benzler

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To meet an ever-demanding market for reliable insulation condition analysers, Megger is proud to present the latest Dielectric Frequency Response (DFR) test instrument in the IDAX family: IDAX 322.

Since 1997, when the first portable DFR instrument, the ‘IDA’ was brought to the field, the analysis of the dielectric response of different insulation materials in the frequency domain has reached several applications. Among these, the most successful to date in the power industry is the measure of power transformer insulation systems.

To replicate this success for other critical components in the power grid, a group of internationally renowned specialists at Megger identified the ‘must-have’ requirements for hardware and software features and technical capabilities in an optimised DFR test instrument. For example, one named capability was a sufficient test voltage.


The Megger IDAX 322 is operated by an easy-to-use software with assessment guidance informed by international standards and over 25 years of field experience with DFR technology.


Given the comparatively low capacitance of components such as bushings and current transformers (CTs), a higher test voltage than a DFR test instrument’s typical 140 V output is necessary to improve the signal-to-noise ratio and allow for their accurate measurement, especially in noisy environments. Megger’s IDAX 322 has been designed to ease work and overcome challenges encountered in the field. The instrument can, of course, be used in a laboratory environment, but the 322’s state-of-the-art design and features practically eliminate the difficulties of achieving reliable, accurate, and fast diagnosis of high voltage (HV) insulation systems in the field with its industry-leading 1.4 kV RMS output. IDAX 322 is optimised for DFR testing of HV and EHV (extra high voltage) bushings, CTs, and voltage transformers (VTs) while working equally well for power transformers.

IDAX 322 is ready for the most demanding field conditions. The instrument is operated by an easy-to-use software with assessment guidance informed by international standards and over 25 years of field experience with DFR technology.

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