Transformer management system – TrafoGrade

The power distribution and industrial companies operate several thousands of medium and high-power transformers. Rationalisation of investment costs leads to optimization of the operation period...

byMarek Szrot, Janusz Płowucha, Paweł Molenda

The power distribution and industrial companies operate several thousands of medium and high-power transformers. Rationalisation of investment costs leads to optimization of the operation period of individual elements in the power system, while maintaining a low risk of failure. This is particularly important for transformers, which are a crucial part of power grids [6, 7, 8].

According to statistics in many countries, more than 50 % of transformers have already been in operation for over 25-30 years [1, 3, 9]. Therefore, it is necessary to have in place an approach for optimizing transformers’ operation based on a comprehensive assessment of their technical condition and their importance in the power system. Combining those two factors indicates prospects for the further reliable operation of the unit and an economic assessment of profitability of renovation works or replacement [2, 3, 4, 7].


Based on these considerations, Energo-Complex has developed a comprehensive transformer management system known as the TrafoGrade. The idea of a system that introduces a scoring scale for assessments of technical condition of a transformer and its importance in the power grid is to link the technical aspects of diagnostics with economic and financial factors for optimisation of decisions in the scope of the current operation, maintenance management, and investment strategy. The TrafoGrade system has been developed in cooperation with researchers from West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin. They have developed unique combined methods of winding deformation diagnostics, assessment of moisture content in the insulation, and evaluation of the bushing condition based on dynamic measurement of various physical processes.

This article presents basic information about the TrafoGrade system and gives examples of evaluation results for 44 transformers operated by a Polish distribution company. An economic analysis of the system implementation was also compared with the costs of transformer failure.

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