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    Transformers Magazine Vol. 10 Issue 1

    BY MLADEN Banovic, PhD, Editor-in-Chief

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    Editorial Message

    Dear readers,

    Looking at plans at the beginning of the year, one feels as if one is starting a massive job from scratch. However, we are constantly building on what we have done so far. Therefore, our editorial calendar for this year is primarily determined by what we did last year, especially the special issues on sustainability and digitalization. Work is already underway on some of the content.

    Also, the annual research we have recently conducted and the results of which we are currently processing are an excellent foundation for some joint projects this year. One of the things we wanted to investigate with this research, and which is appropriate here to highlight, is the importance of education. Specifically, we examined the priorities for the success of sustainability initiatives. Among the categories: Decarbonization, Circular economy, Saving resources, Protecting ecosystems, Enhancing operational health and safety, Increasing efficiency, Digitalization, and Education, education is at the top of the list of priorities. I would personally place education at the top; however, I was a bit surprised, but of course pleasantly, that this is also the view of our wider community.

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