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    Transformers Magazine Vol. 10 Issue 3

    BY MLADEN Banovic, PhD, Editor-in-Chief

    To read the full article subscribe to Transformers Magazine now

    Editorial Message

    Transformers have many not-so-well-known components that make their functioning possible and effective. One such component is the transformer bushing. It is essentially used to connect the windings of a transformer to the external electrical system. This makes them vital to any electrical power system.

    Today, there are several transformer-bushing technologies available on the market. One of them is resin-impregnated synthetics (RIS) technology, which offers advantages such as high operational safety, environmental friendliness, reduced maintenance, and extended lifetime.

    Hitachi Energy’s EasyDry® is a paperless bushing utilizing RIS technology, providing leakage-proof, moisture-resistant, and reliable insulation. It has evolved to support higher voltages and is widely used worldwide, contributing to grid resilience.

    Read more about this innovative solution by Hitachi Energy in our new article.

    Click HERE to find out more.

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