DGA monitor accuracy – Data and decisions

Accuracy is more than just a number, especially when it comes to DGA monitors.

byT. McGrail

DGA Monitor accuracy

Accuracy is more than just a number, especially when it comes to DGA monitors. In this article, read about the real-world implications of varied accuracies, their impact on transformer diagnoses, and the best practices on the topic obtained from CIGRE technical brochures and reports.

Dr Tony McGrail explores the intricacies of DGA monitor accuracy, emphasising the challenges in extracting dissolved gases from transformer oil. Despite international standards like IEC 60567 recommending a maximum accuracy of 15% for complete DGA systems, real-world application suggests a potential deviation closer to 50%. The implications of varying accuracies on diagnoses, especially when employing diagnostic tools like the Duval triangle, are analysed.

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