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    Transformers Magazine Vol. 11 Issue 2

    BY MLADEN Banovic, PhD, Editor-in-Chief

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    Editorial Message

    The April edition brings a collection of articles which convey the dynamic evolution of the transformer industry amidst the energy sector’s shift towards sustainability, highlighting innovations in diagnostics, maintenance, and design to improve reliability and efficiency.

    The transformation of the global energy sector towards renewable sources, coupled with shortages of materials and skilled labour, is having a profound impact on the transformer industry. This shift requires the modernisation of the transmission infrastructure worldwide, primarily transformers, but also shunt reactors, which are critical for absorbing excess reactive power and ensuring grid voltage stability. Therefore, the development of methods for calculating magnetic fluxes and stray losses in shunt reactors is discussed. Research into stray loss distribution in transformers using simulation and finite element analysis models aims to provide insights into loss reduction strategies, emphasising the role of tank magnetic wall shunt combinations in increasing efficiency.

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