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    Transformers Magazine Vol. 2 Issue 1

    BY MLADEN Banovic, PhD, Editor-in-Chief

    Transformers Magazine Vol. 2 Issue 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS
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    Editorial Message

    Dear readers,

    We wish you a happy and prosperous 2015! As we start off our second year in print, we will try to bring you even more useful, topical and interesting content while you can guide us with your  suggestions and constructive comments.

    In this issue, Transformers Magazine brings you a wide range of technical articles and two interviews.

    In the interview Dr. Daniel J. Tschudi, Executive Vice President of WICOR Group, shares his views on transformer insulation and monitoring.

    Kenneth Budin provides guidance on world’s best practices in transformer transport, installation and commissioning. These final stages of the supply chain are equally important as transformer design, manufacturing process and factory acceptance testing.

    In their article Mladen Banovic, P Ramachandran, Navin Rego and Pavel Justiz put forward a summary of the discussion on the significance of CO2/CO ratio in dissolved gas analysis, which was held in Transformers forum on LinkedIn. The authors tried to collect various experiences and present problems which can be faced in different regions of the world, trying to enhance  communication about technical problems on a global scale without an intention to impose their personal views.

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