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    Transformers Magazine Vol. 4 Issue 2

    BY MLADEN Banovic, PhD, Editor-in-Chief

    Transformers Magazine Vol. 4 Issue 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS
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    Editorial Message

    Dear Readers,

    Not so long ago, the knowledge in our industry was mostly communicated internally, within a company. Communication with customers was usually sales-related and handled individually by sales staff. Typically, a company would also have a webpage with some content and use product brochures, but this was about it. While this kind of communication will probably never cease to exist, in today’s world it is no longer sufficient or optimal, considering the more demanding technology and business requirements we are faced with. And it is definitely not sufficient to meet the challenges set before us by the requirements of the future technology and business world.

    In terms of technology, the traditional communication of knowledge can no longer guarantee the ability of the company to react to fast-changing customer requirements. Nowadays, when novelties such as new methods, new products, new machines and new tools are emerging on a daily basis, it is necessary to continually update the knowledge in order to secure a fast response to new requirements. Ideally, this update should be based on the global experience.

    In terms of business, market positioning is in direct relation to the fast, efficient and relevant communication to the market.

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