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    Transformers Magazine Vol. 5 Issue 4

    BY MLADEN Banovic, PhD, Editor-in-Chief

    Transformers Magazine Vol. 5 Issue 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS
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    Editorial Message

    Dear Readers,

    Talking to my colleagues, I am quite frequently asked a question about the current situation in our industry, referring both to the market and technology. Transformers Magazine publishes the news that brings information about these topics, but people are also looking for potential conclusions that are based on all the available information. It is often possible to make inferences from the current information, but once you create conclusions about present circumstances, the next question that usually follows is about what we can expect in the future. It is quite difficult to say something reliable about the future without dedicated research, although this is also sometimes possible. I recall a remark that I made in the editorial message of the magazine’s special edition on bushings published last year, where I commented on recent innovations in our industry and their impact on future trends. There I stated: „In my humble opinion, among the developments we have recently witnessed in the realm of bushings, the ‘pluggable bushing’ concept is most potent to influence not only the future of the bushings, but also the future of the transformer and the way it is used.“

    This was my personal impression at the time, which has been confirmed by a recently conducted survey “Trends in transformers technology”.

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