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    Transformers Magazine Vol. 8 issue 2

    BY MLADEN Banovic, PhD, Editor-in-Chief

    TM Vol 8 issue 1 cover TABLE OF CONTENTS
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    Editorial Message

    Dear colleagues,

    The April issue of the magazine is in front of you. While thinking about whether there is something that makes this issue unique in relation to the previous issues, endless conversations I had with our authors and collaborators when preparing the materials for publication in recent weeks and months came to my mind. These working conversations about articles would often take a turn to a completely private sphere and, as I thought about them later on, I realised that many of us work in circumstances that are often very challenging on a personal level. I find it useful that, nowadays, we can do lots of things online, but these conversations have led me to conclude that everything has its limits. It is understandable that it is not at all easy to dwell exclusively in your home for a long period of time. However, while one would expect widespread apathy among people on such occasions, I got the impression that there has never been more optimism among us. I strongly believe that it is exactly this unbridled optimism, which has sprung in the midst of these challenging circumstances, and the zeal that could not have gone unnoticed while we were preparing the materials for this issue of Transformers Magazine, that have marked this edition. This optimism is exactly what I would like to convey to all our loyal readers through these written words.

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