
Giant Chinese transformer now in place at Iter

France, Cadarache: Last week a 14-metre long transformer supplied to ITER, world’s largest tokamak, by a manufacturer in China was moved to its permanent location.

WEIDMANN’s ELM Int’l Conference to be held in Beijing

China, Beijing: Electrical High Voltage Equipment Life Management (ELM) International Conference organized by WEIDMANN, part of the Swiss Wicor Holding AG, is to be held in Beijing from November 10-11, 2016 at the Oriental Bay International Hotel.

Three suitors for Greek’s TSO

Greece, Athens: Two European companies and one from China have entered the race for a 24 percent stake in ADMIE, the Greek transmission system operator (TSO) that is up for privatization.

World’s first 1,100 kV HVDC transformers to be delivered in China

Germany, Erlangen: Together with local partners in China, Siemens will deliver the world’s first 1,100 kV converter transformers for the world’s largest and first high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) transmission link with a transmission voltage of 1,100 kV DC, located in China.

China also aims for higher transformer efficiency

According to vice-president of China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association (CCEIA), China is also moving towards high efficiency transformers, facing the same challenge of balancing performance with cost as that faced by the U.S. and the EU countries.

Steel world met in Brussels to address overcapacity

Belgium, Brussels: Representatives from around 30 countries including China, Japan, Germany, India, the U.K. and the U.S. met with World Trade Organization, World Steel Association, and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) representatives in Brussels to seek possible solutions to the huge overcapacity that fuels the steel crisis.

EU ministers worry over Chinese steel dumping

Belgium, Brussels: Some of EU trade ministers who met in Brussels on Monday 29 February to discuss steel trade anti-dumping measures believe the EU needs to tighten up its anti-dumping rules to protect its steel industry from cheaper Chinese imports.

Siemens receives biggest HVDC transformer order to date

Germany: Siemens has received an order for 14 ultra-high-voltage direct current (UHVDC) converter transformers for the Nanjing station of the Shanxi Jinbei-Jiangsu Nanjing transmission project in China.

EU sets 5-year anti-dumping duty on GOES imports

As of 29 October 2015 the European Union imposed a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain grain-oriented flat-rolled products of silicon-electrical steel originating in the People’s Republic of China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and the United States of America, the EU Official Journal states.

XD Group develops China’s first high performance transformer

China: China XD Group Corporation, Chinese manufacturer of high voltage and ultra-high voltage transmission and distribution equipment, recently developed country’s first high performance 220 kV 70 MVA series transformer, according to China Daily.

Chinese transformer manufacturer applies for bankruptcy

China: Five months after Baoding Tianwei Group became the first state-owned Chinese company to publicly default on a bond payment, the Chinese manufacturer of power transformers will apply for bankruptcy protection, reports Reuters.