
Eltel wins five power contracts in Finland worth $20M

Finland, Helsinki: Eltel has recently signed five new substation and overhead line contracts in Finland with Fingrid, Caruna and Elenia, respectively, at the total value of $20.3 million (€18 million).

Statnett’s substation project awarded

Finland, Helsinki: Eltel has won a substation contract for a turnkey delivery of a new 420 kV substation for Statnett, Norwegian state-owned power grid operator, reports Business Wire.

Eltel to fully rebuild two substations in Sweden

HELSINKI, Finland: Eltel, a European provider of power infrastructure services, has won a contract for a full rebuild of two 130 kV substations in Sweden – Söderåsen and Mörarp owned by E.ON Elnät Sverige AB.

Caverion delivers a new substation for Pori Energia in Finland

Finland, Helsinki: Caverion, a Finnish provider of energy-efficient solutions has signed a contract with Pori Energia Sähköverkot Oy on the delivery of a new 110/20 kV substation to the neighbourhood of Kaanaa in the city of Pori in Finland.