
First 765 kV transformer manufactured in U.S. in 25 years

Japan, Tokyo: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation announced that Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc. (MEPPI), a Mitsubishi Electric’s subsidiary based in the North America, shipped its first high-capacity 765 kV power transformer to a U.S utility company American Electric Power (AEP) at the end of April.

Steel world met in Brussels to address overcapacity

Belgium, Brussels: Representatives from around 30 countries including China, Japan, Germany, India, the U.K. and the U.S. met with World Trade Organization, World Steel Association, and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) representatives in Brussels to seek possible solutions to the huge overcapacity that fuels the steel crisis.

EU sets 5-year anti-dumping duty on GOES imports

As of 29 October 2015 the European Union imposed a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain grain-oriented flat-rolled products of silicon-electrical steel originating in the People’s Republic of China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and the United States of America, the EU Official Journal states.

Hitachi and ABB form joint venture in Japan

Japan, Tokyo: Hitachi, Ltd. and ABB have announced the completion of the process to establish a joint venture company, Hitachi ABB HVDC Technologies, Ltd., for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission in Japan.

Joint venture Hitachi Soe Electric & Machinery begins operations

Japan, Tokyo: Hitachi Soe Electric & Machinery (Hitachi SEM), a joint venture company established for handling transformers for power systems and power distribution in Myanmar obtained relevant authorisations and begun business operations on 1 October.

IEEE approves new standard for transformer capability under GMD

Japan, Tokyo: IEEE Standards Association, a global standards development organisation has approved IEEE Std™ C57.163, a standard providing a guide for establishing power transformer capability while under geomagnetic disturbances.

Mitsubishi Electric to build MVDC development facility

Japan, Tokyo: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation will be investing over $41 million into building a development and demonstration facility for middle voltage direct current (MVDC) distribution at its Power Distribution System Centre in Marugame, Japan.

Mitsubishi Electric Asia begins sales in Thailand

Japan, Tokyo: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japanese-based manufacturer of electrical equipment, including power transformers, has announced that Mitsubishi Electric Asia (Thailand) Co., Ltd. has begun conducting domestic sales.

Japan to sell GO electrical steel to China

Japan, Tokyo: A purchasing team of a Chinese leading transformer manufacturer is expected to visit a Japanese steel making company Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal and JFE Steel, according to Steel Guru.

Due to a lack of high-grade grain oriented (GO) sheets in China, the purpose of the visit is to negotiate the purchase of GO electrical steel sheets directly from Japanese steel mills, reports Steel Guru.