#offshore wind

Smulders starts Inch Cape substation assembly

Smulders starts Inch Cape substation assembly

The assembly and fit-out of the offshore substation platform and jacket foundation for the 1100 MW Inch Cape Offshore Wind has kicked off at the Smulders yard in Wallsend, Newcastle.

RWE contracts RTE International

UK: RWE has selected France-based RTE International as the technical consultant for HVDC systems at the 1.4 GW Sofia offshore wind farm in the UK.

Anbaric plans 16 GW US offshore wind grid

US: US offshore transmission developer Anbaric has applied to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to develop a 16 GW grid off the north-eastern coast to connect the region’s planned offshore wind projects.

NY partners with Ireland and Denmark to improve power grids

US: Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that New York State is pursuing partnerships with Ireland and Denmark by signing two separate memorandums of understanding that will lead to improved electric infrastructure and the advancement of more renewable energy sources, including offshore wind.