#transformer station

Barnaul invests $2 million in electrical network

Russia, Altai Krai: Barnaul Grid Company will invest more than $2 million (100 million rubles) into a series of projects on overhaul and construction of new electric networks for the regional centre Barnaul.

Governor inaugurates new transformer station in Santa Fe

Argentine, Santa Fe: Santa Fe governor has opened the new transformer station Gobernador Crespo in Santa Fe province, Argentine, which will improve electrical power supply service to some 20,000 inhabitants in San Justo and Vera departments.

Serbia commissions new $23.5M transformer station

Serbia, Belgrade: A new transformer station has been commissioned in the city of Vranje, southeastern Serbia, by the Serbian state-owned power distributor Elektromreze Srbije (EMS).


Fire at Irvine substation causes massive outage

USA, California: A power transformer fire at a Southern California Edison substation in Irvine caused a massive outage yesterday. The cause of the incident is under investigation.