#transmission line

Iraq to build $220 M transmission line

Iraq on Sunday signed a landmark deal with the Gulf Cooperation Council for a 300 km transmission line that would run from Kuwait to Iraq’s southern port of Faw and be financed by the GCC.

Hydro One energizes 230 kV transmission line

Canada: Hydro One, with Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation announced the completion of the Niagara Reinforcement Line.

$62 M transmission line to be built in Memphis

US: The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has identified a preferred route for a new transmission line that would diversify the power flow to increase power reliability in the Memphis metro area.

$1 B project in Chile to integrate more renewable energy

Chilean president Sebastian Pinera officially inaugurated the 753 km Cardones-Polpaico transmission line that will enable the transport of renewable energy from the regions in the north to consumer points in Chile’s south.

170 MW wind project in Minnesota

The project, proposed by Dodge County Wind would generate up to 170 MW of electric energy and deliver it to the Byron substation via a 345 kV transmission line.