Photovoltaic plant inaugurated yesterday in Bigorre

France, Hautes-Pyrénées: For the first time in the department, a photovoltaic plant was inaugurated yesterday morning at Euralis de Rabastens in Bigorre.




France, Hautes-Pyrénées: For the first time in the department, a photovoltaic plant was inaugurated yesterday morning at Euralis de Rabastens in Bigorre.

For the first time, Euralis, cooperative group of the Sud-Ouest and Cam-Énergie, local subsidiary of Crédit Agricole Pyrénées-Gascogne, have joined forces to produce a photovoltaic plant in Rabastens-de-Bigorre which was inaugurated yesterday morning.

According to Dominique Barus, project manager and responsible for sustainable development in Euralis group, the power transformer has already been installed.  

“The facility will produce 264 MWh per year but before the operational phase, it was necessary to invest €460,000 ($595,000) to strengthen the structure and power equipment that dates back to the 1970s, then install most of photovoltaic panels.

In total, the project took place over two years, reports La Depeche.

Source: La Depeche