Robinson Research Institute signs strategic partnership agreement with STI

New Zealand, Wellington: The Robinson Research Institute has signed a strategic partnership agreement with NASDAQ-listed Superconductor Technologies Inc. (STI) which will use the Institute’s innovative technology in the energy and health industries.


New Zealand, Wellington: The Robinson Research Institute has signed a strategic partnership agreement with NASDAQ-listed Superconductor Technologies Inc. (STI) which will use the Institute’s innovative technology in the energy and health industries.

The Robinson Research Institute Victoria (University of Wellington) specialises in producing high temperature superconducting (HTS) technologies including HTS Roebel cable used in transformers, reports Wellington Scoop.

STI which is located in Texas, U.S. is developing high performance HTS wire Conductus® targeted at markets for power transformers, power transmission cables, devices to control fault-currents and utility-scale generators.

“The Robinson Research Institute has been a valuable STI ally as we prepare for the commercial launch of Conductus wire.” said Jeff Quiram, STI’s president and Chief Executive Officer.

Professor Bob Buckley, Director of the Robinson Research Institute says: “We believe that STI wire’s high uniformity and exceptional low-temperature and high-field current capacity could pave the way for new products that require best in class wire performance, including Roebel cable applications.“

Source: Wellington Scoop