CFE buys 4 mobile power transformers units for Los Cabos

Mexico, Los Cabos: The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) reported that in order to restore the power supply in the Los Cabos area after the hurricane Odile, CFE acquired mobile transformers.


Mexico, Los Cabos: The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) reported that in order to restore the power supply in the Los Cabos area after the hurricane Odile, it acquired mobile transformers.

The old transformers are about 40 years old and have recurrent faults. CFE acquired 4 new mobile transformers with installed capacity of 30 MW and worth $21.7 million each. The price included transport of the equipment from Houston, Texas and its installation and operation in various parts of Los Cabos.

The transformers were transported to San José del Cabo in Russian Antonov An-124-100 – the world’s largest for cargo. The transformers are already in Los Cabos and are being installed. This week two of these units will supply power to Los Cabos. One of the other two will start operating in two weeks and the last one in three weeks.
Hurricane Odile, which hit the state of Baja California Sur on the 14th and 15th September, caused major damage to the infrastructure, and power transmission and distribution system.

Source: El Diario