Salem 1 nuclear reactor shut down for refueling and transformer maintenance

USA, New Jersey: The Salem 1 nuclear reactor has been shut down due to scheduled refueling outage and maintenance according to the officials.


USA, New Jersey: The Salem 1 nuclear reactor has been shut down due to scheduled refueling outage and maintenance according to the officials.

Joe Delmar, a spokesman for the plant’s operator, PSEG Nuclear said the reactor had been taken offline Sunday as the operators had noticed an indicator showing a low oil level in one of the plant’s transformers.

Apart from the regular scheduled work,  maintenance on station power transformer, electrical busses, and main generator end winding will be performed. Examination of the low oil level will also be performed, reports NJ.

This is the 23rd refueling outage at Salem 1 since the plant was put into service in the 1970s. “The work completed this outage will ensure the continued safe operation of the plant.” Delmar said.

Despite the transformer with the low oil level being on the non-nuclear side of the plant, if it failed, it would have presented a challenge to control room operators.

Source: NJ
Image: Peretzp (Creative Commons Licence)