CALF moves power transformer for new Argentina substation

Argentina, Neuquén: The cooperative CALF moved a power transformer Valentina Sur to Colón, where it will be located temporarily until the completion of the new transformer station Argentina (E.T.A.).




Argentina, Neuquén: The cooperative CALF moved a power transformer Valentina Sur to Colón, where it will be located temporarily until the completion of the new transformer station Argentina (E.T.A.).

The company reported that it is the first of several steps in a strategic plan to address the high energy demand, reports Imneuquen.

The transformer, which feeds from the transformer station Gran Neuquén, was donated by the EPEN. Once the new station is assembled and the installation work finished, the transformer will be put into operation on the 26th November.

“This will stop the problems that can lead to high energy consumption in the summer months.” said Fabrizio Torrealday, General Secretary of CALF.

Source: Imneuquen