SVEL supplies two power transformers for Mednoy substation in Ekaterinburg

Russia, Ekaterinburg: SVEL manufactured and supplied two oil power transformers for the Mednoy substation which opened in Ekaterinburg on the 12th November 2014.


Russia, Ekaterinburg: SVEL manufactured and supplied two oil power transformers for the Mednoy substation which opened in Ekaterinburg on the 12th November 2014.

As reported by Uralinformbyuro, SVEL supplied two TDN-40000/110 U1 power transformers for Mednoy. The substation will subsequently be powered by Shirokaya Rechka, and later Medny, Medny-2 and Svetlorechensky sports facilities and visitor infrastructure for FIFA World Cup 2018.

Mednoy is Russia’s first substation outside of Moscow of medium voltage level. New network voltage level can transmit twice as much power, reports Ural Inform. Uralinformbyuro said that RUB 232 million ($4.9 million)  was invested in the construction and equipping of Mednoy.

Source: Ural Inform