Dale County courthouse to receive new outside pad mounted transformer

USA, Alabama: Dale county courthouse will be shut down over Christmas season due to installation of outside pad mounted transformers by Alabama Power.


USA, Alabama: Dale county courthouse will be shut down over Christmas season due to installation of outside pad mounted transformers by Alabama Power.

The three transformers which are currently powering the building are located in a vault beneath the courthouse built in 1968. The installation of the new transformer is a part of the ongoing renovations to the courthouse, reports Dothan Eagle.

“In working on the courthouse, we had incorporated in the design just to tie back into those old transformers.” said Dale County Commission Chairman Mark Blankenship.

“Alabama Power approached us, since we were going through the expense and all the work of renovating, to give them the opportunity to pull those transformers out of the building and switch to outside pad mounted transformers.”

Blankenship said the reason for the installation was both for convenience and public safety. “You do occasionally have a situation where a transformer will go out and an explosion could happen.” he said.

Source: Dothan Eagle