Mainskaya HPP connected to new 220 kV GIS

Russia, Khakassia: Mainskaya Hydro Power Plant, a part of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric complex, has been connected to the new 220 kV switchgear.


Russia, Khakassia: Mainskaya Hydro Power Plant, a part of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric complex, has been connected to the new 220 kV switchgear.

In addition to current and voltage transformers, the installed gas-insulated switchgear cells type ELK-14 manufactured by ABB also include switches, circuit breakers and earthing.

The 220 kV switchgear is designed for the transmission of energy generated by Mainskaya HPP into the national grid of Siberia.

Source: EnergoNews
Image: MVVAlt (Creative Commons Licence)