Edesa schedules power outages for today

Edesa announced two scheduled power outages for today in the vicinity of Salta, Argentina for the purposes of the community service optimisation.




Edesa announced two scheduled power outages for today in the vicinity of Salta, Argentina for the purposes of the community service optimisation.

The first power cut is scheduled for 9 a.m. in Los Olmos, B Ampliacion Los Olmos, Finca Manuel Lopez and the surrounding areas of  Prov. 68 Dto. Cerrillos due to power connection cut and enabling new medium voltage power supply. The estimated outage is 3 and a half hours.

The second cut will start at 10 a.m. in the El Prestamo area on la Ruta Provincial 47 (the Provincial Route 47)  where the transformer will be for changed over for power adaptation. The residents nearby will not have power supply for 1 and a half hours.

Source: El Intransigente