Purchase of new transformers for Catamarca underway

Argentine, Catamarca: The public tender for the acquisition of two power transformers for Catamarca province has been held by the Ministry of Federal Planning, Services and Public Investment in Buenos Aires.


Argentine, Buenos Aires: The public tender for the acquisition of two power transformers intended to boost power supply in Catamarca province has been held by the Ministry of Federal Planning, Services and Public Investment in Buenos Aires.

One of the 300 MVA transformers of the voltage ratio 500 kV/132 kV will be installed in the 500 kV Sur La Rioja Substation, while the other will be used by the national grid as a spare unit, reports El Esquiu.

Sur La Rioja Substation feeds power to various areas of Catamarca province and the new transformer is intended to expand its electricity supply capacity.

The results of the tender have not been announced.

Source: El Esquiu