Krasnodar to power up with a new substation

Russia, Krasnodar: Governor of Kuban region in Southern Russia signed an agreement with the Federal Electric Grid Company UES for the construction of a substation in the eastern industrial zone of Krasnodar, Kuban capital.


Russia, Krasnodar: Governor of Kuban region, located in Southern Russia, signed an agreement with the Federal Electric Grid Company UES for the construction of a substation in the Eastern Industry Zone of Krasnodar, Kuban capital.

As part of the project, two power transformers of 200 MW capacity will be installed, along with a modern distribution system planned to strengthen the reliability of the power grid, reports Kuban 24.

The new substation will provide electrical energy to both industrial and residential parts of the booming city of Krasnodar and increase its power capacity.

The construction project valued at nearly $40 million is expected to become operational in 2018. 

Source: Kuban 24