RusHydro to replace more than half HPP transformers by 2025

Russia, Moscow: Russian hydroelectric company RusHydro plans to replace more than half of the main electrical equipment for hydropower plants by 2025 as part of a comprehensive modernisation programme.


Russia, Moscow: Russian hydroelectric company RusHydro plans to replace more than half of the main electrical equipment for hydropower plants by 2025 as part of a comprehensive modernisation programme.

As part of the programme, 61% of the total number of power transformers will be replaced at RusHydro hydroelectric power plants, as well as 55% of turbines and 42 % of generators, stated the company, according to AK&M.

The project will be applied to Cheboksary, Kama, Zhigulevskaya, Saratov, Volga, Novosibirsk and Miatlinskaya hydroelectric stations, among others, many of which were commissioned in 1950-1960 and need modernisation and replacement of equipment.

RusHydro opeartes 61 hydroelectric power stations, two pumped storage power stations, three geothermal power plants in Kamchatka and the only tidal power plant in Russia in Kalmykia.

Source: AK&M
Image: Global Electricity