Entergy needs transformer maintenance plan for Indian Point

Entergy must develop a transformer maintenance plan for the Indian Point nuclear power plant before its operating licenses can be renewed, according to the federal administrative judges.




Entergy must develop a transformer maintenance plan for the Indian Point nuclear power plant before its operating licenses can be renewed, according to the federal administrative judges.

The judges, part of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, have ruled that Indian Point is not operating safely because of various environmental, technical and maintenance issues.

Another operating license will expire in 2015 and the judges panel will recommend to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission whether Indian Point should continue running for another 20 years.

Of nine contentions, only the transformer issue prevailed.

It was argued that minority and low-income communities, such as car ownership, hospital and prison groups were overlooked in the plant’s emergency planning.

The judges said the Nuclear Regulatory Commission failed to review the plant’s future operation and how it would affect those groups.

Source: lohud.com