Upgraded Buryatia substation to boost electricity exports

Russia, Buryatia: The Federal Grid Company (FGC) has upgraded the 220 kV Selenduma substation in Buryati with nine new current transformers.


Russia, Buryatia: The Federal Grid Company (FGC) has upgraded the 220 kV Selenduma substation in Buryati with nine new current transformers.

The new transformers were manufactured by St. Petersburg-based company ElectroApparat (EA), reports Baikal Finans.

Selenduma substation 220 kV was put into operation in 1986 with an installed capacity of 138 MVA. It provides electricity to southern regions of Buryatia and the adjacent part of the Republic of Mongolia.

The substation upgrade will increase the reliability of power supply to the southern part of the country, and provide technical possibility to increase the capacity of power transmission in Mongolia from 210 to 240 MW.

Source: Baikal Finans