Angolan businesswoman buys majority stake in Efacec

Portugal, Lisbon: Africa’s wealthiest woman Isabel dos Santos is to acquire a majority stake in Portugal’s Efacec Power Solutions, according to the Portuguese financial newspaper Diário Económico.


Portugal, Lisbon: Africa’s wealthiest woman Isabel dos Santos is to acquire a majority stake in Portugal’s Efacec Power Solutions, according to the Portuguese financial newspaper Diário Económico.

The Angolan businesswoman will invest over $200 million in a majority stake in the company manufacturing power transformers, mobile substations and distribution transformers, reports Forbes.

The Portuguese newspaper further adds that the Efacec Power Solutions shareholders have already ruled out Chinese group China State Grid, the main shareholder of Redes Energéticas Naturais (REN), which had shown interest in acquiring the Portuguese group, favouring Isobel dos Santos’ offer.

Source: Forbes, Diaro Economico
Image: Bloomberg