WEG S.A. acquires transformer business in South Africa

South Africa, Johannesburg: Brazilian power transformer manufacturer WEG S.A. has announced the acquisition of high voltage transformers, mini substations, switchgear manufacturing business and related services from TSS Transformers Ltd., a Heidelberg-based company in South Africa.


South Africa, Johannesburg: Brazilian power transformer manufacturer WEG S.A. has announced the acquisition of high voltage transformers, mini substations, switchgear manufacturing business and related services from TSS Transformers Ltd., a Heidelberg-based company in South Africa.

TSS initially performed transformers maintenance and repair services, but later evolved into a manufacturer of power transformers up to 40 MVA – 145 kV, mini substations and switchgear. The company manufacturing assets are located near Johannesburg, reports WEG in the press release.

This is WEG’s second acquisition in the South African transformer market, after it acquired the transformers mini substations manufacturing business from Hawker Siddeley Electric Africa Ltd. in 2013, creating the WEG Transformers Africa Ltd. subsidiary.

The transaction is subject to set conditions and approval by the South African authorities.

Source: WEG
Image: Coralynne