Togliatti Transformer ships 630 MVA transformer to customer

Russia, Sverdlovsk Oblast: Russian transformer manufacturer Togliatti Transformer has produced and delivered a 630 MVA power transformer for the Reftinskaya power plant in the Sverdlovsk region.


Russia, Sverdlovsk Oblast: Russian transformer manufacturer Togliatti Transformer has produced and delivered a 630 MVA power transformer for the Reftinskaya power plant in the Sverdlovsk region.

The transformer TDC-630000/500 has been ordered by the Russian power generation company Enel Russia and it will be installed at the Maloreftinskaya station to serve the Reftinskaya power plant, reports i-Mash.

For the Togliatti plant, this is the first time a transformer of this class has been manufactured in such a short time.

“With this transformer, our company has increased the power range of products by more than 1.5 times. Also, this is the second three-phase transformer in the plant’s history of 500 kV voltage class,” said Edward Lemeshev, Togliatti Transformer Senior Project Engineer.

Source: i-Mash