ANDE updates Luque substation

ANDE (Administración Nacional de Electricidad) put a new transformer into operation to ease the load in the Puerto Botanico, Limpio and Luque areas.




ANDE (Administración Nacional de Electricidad) put a new transformer into operation to ease the load in the Puerto Botanico, Limpio and Luque areas, Paraguay.

The new 220/23 kV-41.67 MVA (TR03) transformer was installed last Saturday in the Luque substation.

Since Wednesday, the substation has had three 220/23 kV-41.67 MVA transformers running.

The three charged circuits feeders cover Puerto Botanico, Limpio and Luque areas.

According to ANDE, the substation expansion is planned for next summer.

Source: UltimaHora