A new portal for energy efficiency in transformers launched

Switzerland, Zurich: As EU EcoDesign regulation has taken force, setting minimum energy performance levels for transformers, ABB has launched a web portal providing information related to transformer efficiency in order to help utilities and industries achieve their energy efficiency goals.


Switzerland, Zurich: As EU EcoDesign regulation has taken force, setting minimum energy performance levels for transformers, a new web portal has been launched providing information related to transformer efficiency in order to help utilities and industries achieve their energy efficiency goals.

The new web tool will provide a calculation method to help quantify the financial benefit of energy efficiency over the lifecycle of a transformer, as well as information about the environmental impacts of different loss profile transformer alternatives.

The new EU EcoDesign regulation implemented on 1 July 2015 covers small, medium and large power transformers used in electrical transmission and distribution networks, and for industrial applications.

Source: ABB