Tata Steel’s new electrical steel products to improve power industry efficiency

Tata Steel subsidiary Cogent Power has manufactured new electrical steel products at Cogent Power's Orb works in Newport, South Wales which reduce electricity losses by up to 30% compared to conventional grain-oriented grades.




Tata Steel subsidiary Cogent Power has manufactured new electrical steel products at Cogent Power’s Orb works in Newport, South Wales which reduce electricity losses by up to 30% compared to conventional grain-oriented grades.

The Orb produces cold rolled grain-oriented electrical steel for modern electricity transformer manufacturing.

The new grades – M080-23DR, M085-23DR, M090-27DR and M095-27DR – support this requirement by enabling the production of highly efficient steel cores housed within the transformers used in energy transmission networks.

As global demand for electricity continues to grow, so does the power industry requirement for products that enable more reliable and efficient electricity generation and transmission.

Stuart Wilkie, Managing Director of Cogent Power, said: “These new high-grade products will make a significant contribution to the preservation of natural resources by reducing the energy lost in the generation and transmission of electricity. They benefit our customers and the whole of society.”

Cogent Power has also invested in a new one-metre wide transformer core cutting line at its Canadian manufacturing facility in Burlington, Ontario to meet the needs of large power transformer manufacturers in North America. At Orb, grain-oriented electrical steel coils are slitted and cut-to-length so the new cutting line makes the core lamination size increase possible. This way, the Orb can meet customers’ demand for large transformer cores.

Source: 4-traders