Turkish transformer manufacturer doubles investment in Africa

Ethiopia, Addis Ababa: Turkish-based Sunrise Engineering and Machinery Manufacturing PLC, a company engaged in the business of manufacturing and distribution of transformers in Ethiopia for more than a year, is currently looking to expand its production capacity with an additional investment of $5million to $7.5 million.


Ethiopia, Addis Ababa: Turkish-based Sunrise Engineering and Machinery Manufacturing PLC, a company engaged in the business of manufacturing and distribution of transformers in Ethiopia for more than a year, is currently looking to expand its production capacity with a doubled investment of $7.5 million.

Enis Yurtcu, general manager and co-owner of the company, said that the demand for transformers and substations is surging in Ethiopia, and following the completion of Gilgel Gibe III hydroelectric power project, the estimated amount of transformers required will reach some 20,000 units per year. Sunrise currently has an installed capacity of manufacturing 3,600 transformer units per year, reports The Reporter.

The expansion project will focus on power transformer manufacturing and include an additional production line which will also enable the company to export its products to neighbouring countries in two years’ time.

Source: The Reporter