Brazilian largest wind energy substation goes online

Brazil: Brazil's largest wind energy substation, the 1,200 MW SE Curral Novo do Piaui II facility, was switched on last week.


Brazil, Serra do Inacio: Brazil’s largest wind energy substation, the 1,200 MW SE Curral Novo do Piaui II facility, was switched on last week.

The substation, which has seven auto transformers of 200 MVA each, has taken one year to complete, with an investment of $28.5M made through a partnership between local companies Queiroz Galvao Energia and Casa dos Ventos, a federal utility Chesf, and US investor ContourGlobal, reports SeeNews Renewables.

The substation in the Serra do Inacio region will transport power from six wind parks of a combined 1,200 MW. It will lift the power to 500 kV and feed it into the National Interconnected System.

Source: SeeNews Renewables