Global Power Transformers Market worth $14B by 2020

India, Nagpur: Wise Guy Reports has made available a new research report titled "Power Transformers Market, Update 2015 - Global Market Size, Equipment Market Share and Key Country Analysis to 2020".


India, Nagpur: Wise Guy Reports has made available a new research report titled “Power Transformers Market, Update 2015 – Global Market Size, Equipment Market Share and Key Country Analysis to 2020”.

According to the report, the value of the global power transformers market will increase from $11.3 billion in 2015 to $14 billion by 2020, driven by the nine major markets of the US, China, India, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Japan, Germany, Canada and the UK, reports Sys-Con.

The report states that growth will primarily be driven by extensive power plant capacity additions, economic growth, and the need to improve access to electricity in emerging economies, such as Asia-Pacific and the Middle East.

The report gives information on the current power transformer market, focusing on key countries, as well as covering the global scenario. It analyses the revenues, average price and volume by power transformers used by various voltage line segments for the key nine countries in the market. The market shares for the key players in each country have been provided. At global level, the drivers and restraints of the market is also provided.

Source: Sys-Con