Tecsystem introduces new temperature monitoring system

Italy, Cesano Boscone: Tecsystem, an Italian provider of temperature control devices for electrical machines and transformers, has launched a new system for the protection of hermetic oil-filled transformers, able to monitor the level, pressure and temperature of transformer oil.


Italy, Cesano Boscone: Tecsystem, an Italian provider of temperature control devices for electrical machines and transformers, has launched a new system for the protection of hermetic oil-filled transformers, able to monitor the level, pressure and temperature of transformer oil.

The new electronic sensor TPL503 replacing the classic electromechanical control devices is installed directly on the transformer and connected to the machine by an integrated flange (see product picture).

The sensor data are transmitted through a serial connection to the unit NT210 K, which can be directly installed on the control panel, allowing the remote control of all measures and indications, according to the manufacturer.

Source: Tecsystem